More than a Dozen Missouri State Legislators Speak Out Against Netflix Cartoon Big Mouth

In March 2018, we began a campaign targeting Netflix original series cartoon Big Mouth urging them to remove the show from their catalog immediately, noting that it is “flooded with inappropriate scenes showing children’s genitalia, continual reference to genitalia and explicit sex, [and] adult figures inciting sexual activity among children..” We concluded our concise analysis with a petition for state legislators and organization affiliates to sign. As a result, state legislators scattered around the country have signed urging Netflix to “pull the show”.

We chose to petition legislators because each one represents thousands of constituents, and that speaks loud in itself, and initially brought the issue to a handful of state legislators in Tennessee, and both Democrat and Republican House members willingly signed the petition. An open list of signers can be found at

More than a dozen legislators in Missouri signed the petition, including Senator Ed Emory who is right now sponsoring a resolution, if passed, would declare pornography a public health crisis in Missouri. Uriah Stark, our Missouri State Director, circulated the petition to Missouri legislators engaging them to sign. Republican Representative Mike Moon, according to Uriah, was “so disgusted by the show, after watching one episode, he not only signed the petition but emailed the entire GOP urging them to as well.” This move by Moon led to many signers in Missouri.

Our analysis shares disturbing scenes of what we feel are highly disturbing, and very inappropriate for children. The show, though labeled “mature” inherently targets children, and Netflix even advertises it to everyone on their screensaver. In our analysis, we include medical research, and quotes from medical professionals, organizations, and activists who share the same thoughts we do.

Other state legislators and organization affiliates from around the country have joined the petition, and NDC is still receiving signers to date. We are currently drafting a letter to Netflix showing support for their cause and urging them to remove the show. In the meantime, NDC continues to receive signers from around the country. You can find more about our project here.

About National Decency Coalition

National Decency Coalition (NDC) is a volunteer-based organization that explores and creates solutions to matters affecting common decency in the United States. NDC is largely focused on the pervasiveness of pornography in society and offers solutions to reduce its availability to children. You can find more about NDC at